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Baseball 2001 Competitive Test Patch 10-25-25


Patch Notes, 6/7/2024

... but of course, what would an offseason be without some offseason balance changes?

We'd like to announce a **brand new wave of balance changes for Backyard Baseball 2001's Online Mode WILL be coming your way TOMORROW!!**

It's a HUGE list of changes, from batting, to pitching and even baserunning! They are all made for the convenience and hopefully improvement of our existing competitive PvP gameplay. The room for skill expression will now be much more noticeable without making the game too different.

**You can read up on all of the changes RIGHT HERE in this document I made**

*"But how will I be able to try these changes for myself?"*, you might be asking. Well, thanks to ScummVM updating its test builds daily, you'll be able to download and try them out from the Daily Builds section on the ScummVM website!

Or, if you're lazy, you can download the changes from the link right here **starting May 25th 2024.**
They will be under the "ScummVM latest Branch master" column. Choose the one from your operating system and you'll be able to play!

Any build from the "ScummVM latest Branch master" column will feature these changes from May 25th onward. The hope is that everything works tomorrow (Maybe it won't and it will be a disaster! Who knows!), and for the next few months we'll be hard at work balancing the game based off of everyone's feedback! Sign-ups will be starting in June, as the previous post said, and we're hoping for a mid to late July season start time. (but nothing is guaranteed!)

Remember to turn on competitive mods in the "Game Options" section, and have fun trying them out!!

Let's make BBOL Season 5 the best one yet!