Coach Rankings

Hello Sports Fans! join our Discord to match up against other opponents in ranked online play! Baseball 2001 ranked play has specific rules in order for games to be eligible. After the game is complete, the result must be submitted via google form below.
Ranked Play Rules
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Rank Coach Elo Wins Losses
1 WHIFFSPREE01 1655 20 6
2 Loba 1636 16 5
3 Burgerplanet 1629 8 0
4 theairshake 1572 4 0
5 Hciii 1565 8 4
6 hciii 1565 8 4
7 HARB8 1549 3 1
8 Harb8 1549 3 1
9 cantwait2fly 1548 2 0
10 CANTWAIT2FLY 1548 2 0
11 Charguyder 1528 3 1
12 BOGFRUNGUS 1527 1 0
13 BBALL 1525 2 1
14 alex7456 1521 2 1
15 rose64bud 1520 1 0
16 Timmy 1520 1 0
17 pablo 1520 1 0
18 LARS 1520 1 0
19 THECRK 1520 1 0
20 Matt95 1520 2 1
21 matt95 1520 2 1
22 AxelThomas 1519 1 0
23 Harb 1518 1 0
24 MikeMadness 1518 4 3
25 MIKEMADNESS 1518 4 3
26 B0KCHOY222 1514 1 0
27 NEWBIE 1506 1 1
28 Heinz 1502 2 2
29 Dlw2711 1494 2 3
30 SAYSTAFE 1488 0 1
31 jibbodahibbo 1487 0 1
33 Johnny 1486 0 1
34 Schwilly 1485 0 1
35 Triggatriz 1481 0 1
36 Vissery 1480 0 1
37 Jimmy 1480 0 1
38 labal 1480 0 1
39 DH34 1479 1 2
40 IMULLIGAN 1479 0 1
41 Wahoo 1479 0 1
42 Natetastic 1478 0 1
43 YODEC 1478 0 1
45 MontagnaMagica 1477 1 3
46 BigRedJTC 1477 0 1
47 Cloudi73 1477 0 1
48 ROUTE66 1475 0 2
49 UnoLeon 1472 1 3
50 UNOLEON 1472 1 3
51 SilverBullet102 1472 1 3
52 silverbullet102 1472 1 3
53 KELSEY 1470 0 2
54 JackAmpersand 1467 0 2
55 Scatty 1463 1 4
56 Samb13 1463 0 2
57 Disky 1462 0 2
58 marialunafan22 1449 0 3
59 BIGREDTJC 1444 1 4
60 BigRedTJC 1444 1 4
61 Madoclarkin 1377 0 8
62 drdinkledick 1359 0 10
63 DRDINKLEDICK 1359 0 10

Hello Sports Fans! join our Discord to match up against other opponents in ranked online play! Football ranked play has specific rules in order for games to be eligible. After the game is complete, the result must be submitted via google form below.
Ranked Play Rules
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Rank Coach Elo Wins Losses
1 Loba 1559 5 2
2 Jadom 1517 2 1
3 crazyei8hts 1501 1 1
4 Vissery 1480 0 1
5 BBALL 1443 1 4